Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spring Has Sprung

Derek’s Birthday!

We celebrated Derek’s 14th
Birthday with a “Surprise” party at the
church. Joy and Amber went to great
lengths to decorate and develop a short
program to honor Derek. Each person
wore a yellow “D” somewhere on their
person all evening. We played Ultimate
Pong and enjoyed tons of great food!
Remembering April 4, 1995

Easter Celebrations
Easter Sunday was an exciting
time at our church. We wrapped up our
collection for the Annie Armstrong
Easter Offering and were thrilled to have
a total of $85.00!!! Brenda had set a
church goal of $10.00 since we had
never participated in the past. The
children were inspired by the videos we
presented each week of home
missionaries at work. They especially
liked Brenda Crim, who is serving in
Alaska. Each week we collected their
coins in a special bucket along with the
regular offering. It warmed our hearts to
see them go forward to add their

Following our services we had a
wonderful lunch and egg hunt. A church
in Tennessee sponsored the event. The
kids were so well behaved and they
listened attentively while Joy shared the
Easter story with them using a set of
Resurrection Eggs. One man showed up
for adult Bible study on Tuesday
evening and said that he and his wife had
driven by about the time the church door
opened and all of the kids streamed out.
He said is blessed him so much he had to
come and check us out!

Our New Home

God is good! He has provided us
a home to rent that is located on the
banks of the Flathead River. The view is
incredible from all sides of the house! It
is a joy to wake up to the sound of birds
and running water. We are so much
closer to Hungry Horse. Robert and
Derek will be able to walk to school next
year as both the High School and the
Junior High are minutes away.

A mountain lion paid a visit to
the new neighborhood the first day we
were there. We didn’t see him, but our
friend Fay from church spotted him
while she was riding bikes about ½ mile
from ours. She got some beautiful
pictures of him and documented his safe
removal from the area. That is one “cat
in a tree” call the fire department won’t

Church Happenings
Sunday mornings have been
going quite well since we have split our
services. Children’s church continues to
be productive. Our challenge comes on
Wednesday evenings when we run
around 50 kids. Things can get pretty
wild! We trust that God is working in
the hearts of these kids and that seeds are
being planted.
We are still providing a
Wednesday night meal after the service.
God is blessing our mission fund and we
are able to purchase food each week to
feed 50 – 75 people! We appreciate all
who have shared your generosity with

The GED class is still moving
along. There have only been a few drop
outs so far. We hope to see them all
pass their test so that we can plan a gala
celebration for them!
Eastward Bound

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