Sunday, June 28, 2009

Glacier National Park

Chloe enjoys the outdoors and the scenic views along the river.

Allie, Isabel, and McKinley scream down the mountain at Logan's Pass.

The Baker family poses for a picture.

Dodge Ram meet Glacier National Park Ram
Dude that is some cool horns...

I'm sorry... we do not have any peanuts... please don't hurt the rental car!

Big Sky Water Park Day #2

Robert Adams finally collaspes after taking approximately 2,500 pictures.

Benjamen takes a break to get warm.

Ryan poses with two of his BFF's (Merrick and CJ)

Big Sky Water Park Day

Kellan helps Chloe down the water slide.

With the tempature at 74 degrees, the wind at 10 MPH, and the water tempature around 58, the hot tub was a very popular place... maybe too popular :-)

How do you feed 108 people.... Pizza of course....

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Kingfishers - the youth of Canyon Baptist

We had a total of 29 youth (grades 7-12). They were known as the Kingfishers. Gary Maze was the group leader for the week.

Gary leads a Bible Study session in the local VFW "bingo hall".

Matt share's his testimony before recreation.

Break time....

Let the games begin...

The youth listen to a bible study session.

Gary poses with Alysa, Jessica and Nigel (the inflatable WoW Week Mascot).

Opening Day

Pastor Lloyd Crabtree welcomes the kids to the opening day of WoW Week.

"G'Day Montana" with your host Mr. Outback Moose interviews Ryan and Drew Baker about their day with Nigel (the week's mascot).

The JK Roo Girls lead the kids in a song... Boomerang Express!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Celebration Begins

We had a great kickoff on Sunday! We had a total of 44 kids on Sunday morning. We also had a great turnout for the Celebration Carnival... lots of popcorn, cotton candy and southern fried chicken. The tempature has been very mild an very comfortable 70 degrees. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
God Bless,
Robert and Tracy

Robert and Bob posing for a picture with Mrs. Mary Burdett.

Stephen and Brandon enjoy the cotton candy.

Mr. Moose hangs with Shane, Justina, and Lance.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

WOW Week in Montana is Upon Us!

Well, the time is near for us to kickoff the WOW Week at Canyon Baptist Church in Hungry Horse, MT. The Mission Team arrives today, Saturday, June 20th. Our first Team meeting will be at the A&W Restaurant in Columbia Falls today at 1:30 PM... this has been a bit of a tradition. It is a great time for everyone to meet casually and then we will head on over to Canyon Baptist Church to start the decorating for WOW Week. Thank you to everyone who has supported the mission... God Bless you all.

More to come as the week continues.

Robert & Tracy

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spring Has Sprung

Derek’s Birthday!

We celebrated Derek’s 14th
Birthday with a “Surprise” party at the
church. Joy and Amber went to great
lengths to decorate and develop a short
program to honor Derek. Each person
wore a yellow “D” somewhere on their
person all evening. We played Ultimate
Pong and enjoyed tons of great food!
Remembering April 4, 1995

Easter Celebrations
Easter Sunday was an exciting
time at our church. We wrapped up our
collection for the Annie Armstrong
Easter Offering and were thrilled to have
a total of $85.00!!! Brenda had set a
church goal of $10.00 since we had
never participated in the past. The
children were inspired by the videos we
presented each week of home
missionaries at work. They especially
liked Brenda Crim, who is serving in
Alaska. Each week we collected their
coins in a special bucket along with the
regular offering. It warmed our hearts to
see them go forward to add their

Following our services we had a
wonderful lunch and egg hunt. A church
in Tennessee sponsored the event. The
kids were so well behaved and they
listened attentively while Joy shared the
Easter story with them using a set of
Resurrection Eggs. One man showed up
for adult Bible study on Tuesday
evening and said that he and his wife had
driven by about the time the church door
opened and all of the kids streamed out.
He said is blessed him so much he had to
come and check us out!

Our New Home

God is good! He has provided us
a home to rent that is located on the
banks of the Flathead River. The view is
incredible from all sides of the house! It
is a joy to wake up to the sound of birds
and running water. We are so much
closer to Hungry Horse. Robert and
Derek will be able to walk to school next
year as both the High School and the
Junior High are minutes away.

A mountain lion paid a visit to
the new neighborhood the first day we
were there. We didn’t see him, but our
friend Fay from church spotted him
while she was riding bikes about ½ mile
from ours. She got some beautiful
pictures of him and documented his safe
removal from the area. That is one “cat
in a tree” call the fire department won’t

Church Happenings
Sunday mornings have been
going quite well since we have split our
services. Children’s church continues to
be productive. Our challenge comes on
Wednesday evenings when we run
around 50 kids. Things can get pretty
wild! We trust that God is working in
the hearts of these kids and that seeds are
being planted.
We are still providing a
Wednesday night meal after the service.
God is blessing our mission fund and we
are able to purchase food each week to
feed 50 – 75 people! We appreciate all
who have shared your generosity with

The GED class is still moving
along. There have only been a few drop
outs so far. We hope to see them all
pass their test so that we can plan a gala
celebration for them!
Eastward Bound

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Winds of Change (The Crabtree's Newsletter)

March 2009 Newsletter

Passing of the Baton

Sunday we celebrated Pastor Jim and Mary Burdett’s retirement after six faithful years of service at Canyon Baptist. Sam Birky, our Glacier Baptist Associational Missionary was present to honor the Burdett’s and to install Lloyd as Pastor. Jim passed a ceremonial baton along to Lloyd and Lee Swafford as they assumed leadership of the church. We had a wonderful turnout for the morning service and the community wide drop in reception. We are truly going to miss them!!!

Rough Spots

This has been a tough month for us. We have been very busy working at the church and have seen many signs that God is working on people’s hearts. We have also felt an increase in spiritual attack. Frustration and a general feeling of oppression have come on strong at times. Derek has had a particularly difficult time this month. We know that we are where God wants us to be and that is not what the evil one wants! Please pray for our spiritual walk that we will grow stronger in our faith each day despite the difficulties.

We are dealing with a number of struggles with our church kids. There is such a strong need for quality counseling in the Canyon! One family is dealing with anger issues that have resulted in episodes of running away and physical cutting. Another young lady has been repeatedly in trouble for fighting and smoking illegal substances. She has been under house arrest several times and was recently returned to the Juvenile Detention Center. She is upset because her mom has threatened to send her to Arizona to a camp for troubled teens. She cries about that possibility but then states that she can’t behave and will probably “smoke weed” again. It is so frustrating to watch the kids make bad choice after bad choice!

On a Positive Note

We had another baptism this month! A Pizza/Ultimate Pong/Cards night at the church had a huge turnout! There were over 40 people there, many from the community. The Adult Bible Study and the Adult Worship Service are still going strong. We also have 24 people interested in working on their GED through the church! The Flathead Valley Community College has agreed to send us an instructor since there is such a big interest and because several of the participants have been laid off recently. Word is spreading that Canyon Baptist Church is finding ways to reach out to the community.

We have taken each Sunday School class out to Pizza Hut this month after church. It has been fun to get to know the kids better and to see them in an environment other than church. We wanted to reward those kids that make the effort to get up on Sunday morning to attend. (Most get up and get ready without any assistance from their parents.) They have all been very well behaved during lunch. When we decided that we would like to take each class out we considered how we were going to pay for it. The next day we received 2 unexpected checks in the mail with the note, “spend however you feel led”. How cool is that? God even cares about pizza parties!!!!

The Search is On

We are still searching for a new place to live. Our quest has led us to some wonderful homes as well as a few “fixer uppers”. So far, God has not led us to the one He has picked out. Our prayer is that we will find one before we head East on May 3rd .

Spring is Here

Well, according to the calendar spring has arrived in Montana. It has been a bit sneaky in arriving. We have seen a small warming trend and the permanent winter snow cover in our yard has finally melted. Today we were blessed by more snow flurries. We have learned one lesson since we moved here…the weatherman isn’t paid for accuracy!

We borrowed snowmobiles from a friend last week and headed out to the frozen lake at Thompson Lake Baptist Camp. Things were a bit slushy on the top of the ice but it was still frozen solid underneath. The pace was much too fast for Brenda’s taste but the “boys” loved it!!!

Nature is sending us all sorts of “hints” of spring! Sam and Ray were blessed with a Moose sighting yesterday. The great migration is upon us and there are huge flocks of ducks and geese resting and then setting off again on their journey. The first bear of the season was spotted in Glacier National Park last week!

Prayer Request

-Please pray for the Canyon Baptist Ministry Team as we transition into our new roles. -Derek will be turning 14 this Saturday!!! Pray that he will feel God’s love in a special way.

-Brenda has been experiencing some of the familiar signs of depression off and on this month. Pray for victory!

-We will be leaving for GA on Sunday, May 3. Pray for “helping hands” to come forth to teach for us while we are away.

-We are gearing up for an extremely busy summer of ministry. Pray for all of the mission teams that will be working in the Canyon and for a productive summer!

-Clear direction on where God wants us to live.

-Sam will be leaving us for the summer to take an internship for youth/worship for the Outdoorsman Church in Frenchtown, Montana. He has to finish his high school classes before he can go. PLEASE pray that he will be motivated to finish soon.

-Jim and Mary have just listed their home for sale. Pray that God would bless them with a quick sale if it is his will for them to return to Texas.

Canyon Baptist Summer Calendar
April 12 Easter Celebration after Church
April 25 Kid’s Day Event (K – 5th)
June 14-16 Youth Retreat at Thompson Lake Baptist Camp
June 21-26 WOW Week
June 27-July 5 Acteens Mission Trip
July 6-9 Sports Camp
July 6-9 McNear Work Crew
July 9-13 McMinn/Meigs Work Crew
July 20-24 Children’s Camp at Thompson Lake Baptist Camp
July 27-31 Youth Camp at Thompson Lake Baptist Camp

Canyon Baptist Church
P.O. Box 190307
Hungry Horse, MT 59919 (406) 387-4148

The Crabtrees
PO Box 8478
Kalispell, MT 59904 (406) 752-7719 (770) 441-7719

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Canyon Baptist Reaches Children

An article was published in January in the Montana Baptist Record about Canyon Baptist Church and its mission to reach the children and families of the area. The article also mentions the Burdetts adventures over the past six years and Gods answer to prayer, the Swoffords and the Crabtrees. Click on the image for a large readable image.
Please pray for Canyon Baptist Church, the Burdetts, the Swoffords, the Crabtrees and the children of the Canyon. Hope everyone is getting ready for this years WOW Week!

God Bless,

Robert and Tracy

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Picture for the Week

Mr. Moose congratulates a team of winners. What year was this?
It was 2005.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mission Interest Meeting Sunday, March 8, 2009

We are having our 2nd interest meeting on Sunday, March 8th for those interested in learning more about the Montana Mission Trip. If you attended the first interest meeting you are not required to attend the 2nd meeting. We will provide a highlight of the mission project and discuss the logistics of the mission week.

Meeting Date: Sunday, March 8th
Meeting Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Meeting Location: Broadmoor Baptist Church - F-205 Conference Room

Monday, March 2, 2009

WOW Week Worship 2008 Videos

Wow Week 2008 Report

Montana WOW Week Report-June 22-27, 2008

The 39 member team enjoyed 6 days of "WOW" with Canyon Baptist Church and area children. From the Family Fun Kickoff Celebration to the Big Sky Water Park farewell, children experienced God's love in action and in word. The average daily attendance totaled 76 children-a record high. Many family members attended Thursday night's "standing room only" Family Night. On Friday, a young girl made a decision for Christ and on the following Sunday morning, 3 additional children came forward with decisions. The Montana Team would like to thank the Broadmoor family for supporting this ministry to Hungry Horse, Montana both financially and in prayer. Your contributions have made a difference for eternity. WOW!
The Montana Mission Team... pray for 2009!